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#TEDxWoodinville 2023 is almost here!


It’s been a lot of work and a lot of preparation, but #TEDxWoodinville is finally here! This Saturday, October 14th, I’ll be hitting the Red Dot with 20 other amazing speakers.

Tanja Diamond, the #TEDxWoodinville organizer, asked me why I wanted to be a TEDx speaker. Here’s my answer.

If you’ve ever thought it would be fun an exciting to be speak on a TEDx stage, you’d be right. Although, I’ve found that the biggest blessings in this experience weren’t the ones I originally thought would make this an amazing experience.

Here are the two powerful and surprising take aways that I’ve learned on my #TEDxWoodinville journey:

#1: The Power of a Short Talk

The TEDx stage is an awesome stage—and it’s unique. It’s not just about telling your story. It’s not just about being a thought leader or an authority in your field. Really, what sets TEDx apart from other stages I’ve been on is the focus on IDEAS and COMMUNITY.

An idea worth sharing is different than a message or a story worth sharing. It’s a glimpse. A seed. One, simple idea that can impact people’s lives. Giving a 5-15 minute talk definitely creates unique demands and takes away some of the luxuries you have in giving a longer talk (like a keynote address).

Writing and delivering a TEDx talk has upped my speaking game as a whole. In packing a punch in around 5 minutes, I now know how to deliver more powerful messages in longer time frames. Here’s more from my interview with Tanja on the power of a short talk.

#2: The Power of Community

While I knew that I’d get to know and love my fellow TEDx speakers, I didn’t know how powerfully connected I’d feel—to the speakers, to the organizing team, and to the Woodinville community. TEDx events really are about building community. If there’s one in your area, I recommend you attend. The power of these events live is one of those things you’ve got to be there to experience. Although our event is coming up this weekend, I can already feel the energy and momentum of what’s going to take place.

Each of these speakers in phenomenal in their own right, but as I’ve gotten to know them personally and individually, I’ve been humbled, honored, and blessed to call them my friends. They are game changes, thought leaders, and world class human beings. Their ideas worth sharing have inspired me and prompted me to make changes and take action that has improved my own life, and I can’t wait to introduce their ideas to you when they go live on the platform.

The Woodinville community has been generous and welcoming of this event, and I know the speakers are open and ready to share this experience with our audience. It really is a life-changing core memory.

So if you’re wanting to give a TEDx talk, GO FOR IT! It’s a game changer and a life changer—not just because of the visibility of the platform, but because it’s a place for conversation around ideas that matter in communities that care.



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