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Whether you're a burned-out modern Cinderella who's ready to rediscover your clarity, confidence, and passion and take your glass slipper to the glass ceilings holding you back or a purpose driven professional wanting to align your professional presence with your personal brand,

Your Real Life Fairy Godmother™

is here to help you define your

Signature Soul Style™

and transform your life.

Whether you're looking for a quick mini-makeover or a full VIP transformation, our proprietary  Archetypal Styling Experiences™ that combine personal coaching with personal styling and our Intentional Styling Method™ will leave you feeling confident inside and out so you can rock the business of life!

Fashionable Lady at Airport
Your Real Life Fairy Godmotherâ„¢ Kimberly Parry, Burnout Recovery Coach and Personal Stylist

Your Real Life Fairy Godmother's™
Mini Makeover

Looking for a quick. budget-friendly introduction to archetypal coaching and personal styling? Our mini makeover gives you foundational style insights (including your basic body shape cheat sheet and four-season color cheat sheet) and an introduction to self-discovery through an introduction to archetypal coaching and styling.

Fashionable Lady at Airport

Signature Soul Style™ Experience

Our Signature Soul Styling™ is a more in-depth styling experience. Gain deeper style education that will help you learn how to dress and appreciate your body—exactly as it is. You’ll uncover your 16-season color palette, get a personalized body shape guide, and define your signature style through your core four archetypes—leaving you confident and empowered, inside and out.

Fashionable Lady at Airport
Fashionable Lady at Airport
Cinderella Princess Carriage.webp

VIP Style Transformation

Get weekly access to Your Real-Life Fairy Godmother™ for the ultimate style transformation. With a custom body analysis, in-depth color analysis, and full archetypal coaching, this experience is designed to help you take control of your life story and design your signature life!

Style Your Brand™

The Style Your Brand™ experience is designed to help purpose-driven professionals design the foundations of a professional brand that's authentically aligned with your personal brand.

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